Children’s Ministry
Through our children’s catechism, all our kids are moving through a “Faith Journey,” a Grace-created curriculum that begins at Pre-School age (4 years old) and continues through 6th grade. This curriculum is designed to allow any child to enter the journey wherever they are in their “walk” and then move forward!
Through our children’s catechism, all our kids are moving through a “Faith Journey,” a Grace-created curriculum that begins at Pre-School age (4 years old) and continues through 6th grade. This curriculum is designed to allow any child to enter the journey wherever they are in their “walk” and then move forward!

Once the children have finished the curriculum of Faith Journey during each year, we use the Sermons4Kids curriculum for the rest of the year. Lessons include the Bible story, games, crafts, and special snacks.
Sunday morning classes are sorted by PreK-KDG, 1st-2nd grade, 3rd-4th grade, and 5th-6th grade and are held from 9:15-10:15. A wide variety of additional activities and events (on and off-site) occur throughout the year for each group.