Grace and the NALC
Grace and the NALC
Grace is proud to be a member of North American Lutheran Church (NALC). This vibrant community extends across over 400 congregations with over 140,000 dedicated members. Our spiritual guide, Pastor Dan Selbo, serves as the bishop of the NALC. Remarkably, Ohio is home to over 50 NALC congregations, the highest among all states and mission districts in our denomination, and we are witnessing continuous growth.
Situated in Springfield, Ohio, Grace is one of three NALC congregations in this region. At the heart of the NALC is our commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. We proudly embrace four core values: Christ-centered, Mission-Driven, traditionally grounded, and Congregational-focused.
Feel free to explore more about the NALC family on our website:
Life-to-Life Discipleship
The North American Lutheran Church is committed to helping all of our congregations be transformed into disciple-making congregations. Our Lord Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations, which means that every baptized believer is called to be a disciple who is trained and nurtured to make disciples of others.
Two of the ways in with the NALC will transform its congregations are through our Life-to-Life Discipleship initiative and “Discipleship Moment” videos.
As the NALC strives to be Christ centered, mission driven, traditionally grounded and congregationally focused, we hope and pray these resources will prove to be noteworthy and helpful tools in your discipleship journey.
The NALC Core Values
We confess the apostolic faith in Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures. We affirm the authority of the Scriptures as the authoritative source and norm, “according to which all doctrines should and must be judged” (Formula of Concord). We accept the ecumenical creeds and the Lutheran Confessions as true witnesses to the Word of God.
We believe that the mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel and to make disciples for Christ. We believe that making disciples — in our congregations, in our communities and nations, and around the world — must be a priority of the Church in the present age.
We affirm the ecumenical creeds and the faithful witness of the Church across time and space. We endorse the form and practices of the universal Church that are consistent with Scripture, particularly the office of the ministry and the tradition of worship under Word and Sacrament. We seek dialogue and fellowship with other Lutheran churches and with faithful Christians of other confessions.
We strive to be a church that is organized to facilitate the ministries of local congregations in a posture of servant-hood and a spirit of partnership, through the provision of resources, connections and information.
North American Lutheran Seminary
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we are forming pastors and church leaders for the North American Lutheran Church who will faithfully preach, teach, and live God’s eternal truth, through Word and Sacrament, proclaiming Christ’s cross and resurrection, making disciples who will renew and grow the church in Christ’s name.